In January and February 2016, community members from the Wind River Reservation community submitted ideas for a Growing Resilience logo. Project participants voted for their favorite logo at an open house event and at the project’s first health data collection session. A big thank you to everyone who submitted a logo, and congratulations to Elizabeth Ridgely for composing the winning design!
Woman - Mother Earth
Feather - Blessings
Blue Shawl - Water
Sun on Shawl - Living and life
Four feathers on shawl - The growing season, from planting to harvesting
Basket - Bounty
Rose - Shoshone people
Geometric Symbol - Arapaho people
(In no particular order)
Growing Resilience
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3196
Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Phone: 307 399 3247
Fax: 307 766 4098
Email: [email protected]